2. 南海トラフー駿河トラフ添いの過去の巨大地震

2. 南海トラフー駿河トラフ添いの過去の巨大地震
B. GPSデータから推定されるバックスリップの分布
Figure 3. Distribution of the back-slip in the Tokai district. Arrows and solid contours represent both direction and magnitude of back-slip at each point on the plate boundary. Dashed lines show depth contours of plate boundary configuration. Shaded area is Matsumura"s [1997] locked zone estimated from seismicity data.

Sagiya,T.(1999) Interplate coupling in the Tokai District, Central Japan,deducedfrom continuous GPS data. Geophys. Res.Lett. ,26, p.2315-2318.

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