

10.「1994年1月17日のノースリッジ地震:収集データと分析報告、パートB:分析と傾向」、EQEインターナショナルとカリフォルニア州緊急サービス室、1997年、p. 3-19、統計には「保険付き損害、建築物被害、家賃援助、移転コスト、砕片除去コスト、個人および家族への資金援助、医療コスト、葬儀コスト」が含まれる(p. 3-18)
   The Northridge Earthquake of January 17, 1994: Report of Data Collection and Analysis, Part B: Analysis and Trends, EQE International and California Governor"s Office of Emergency Services, 1997, p. 3-19. These figures include "insured losses, structural damage, rental assistance, relocation costs, debris removal, individual and family grants and medical and funeral costs." (p. 3-18)
   Henry Lagorio, Richard Eisner, Kent Paxton, Bob Reitherman, Loss Estimation Objectives, National Institute of Building Sciences, June 1994
12.S・T・アルジャーミッセン他、op. cit., p.161
   S. T. Algermissen et al., op. cit., p.161
   James Davis et al., Earthquake Planning Scenario for a Magnitude 98.3 Earthquake on the San Andreas Fault in the San Francisco Bay Area, California Division of Mines and Geology, 1982
14.ラゴリオ他、p. 12
   Lagorio et al., p. 12
   James Beck, Anne Kiremidjian, George Mader, Robert Reitherman, Year One Research Report: Social, Economic, and System Aspects of Earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction, California Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering (CUREe), 1997
   Thalia Anagnos, Scott5 Lawson, Jawhar Bouabid, "Application of Regional Earthquake Loss Estimation in Corporate Emergency Response and Preparedness," The Third US-Japan Conference on Corporate Earthquake Programs San Jose State University, 1997
17.「将来の地震被害による推計」、全国調査評議会、1989年、p. 74、FEMA 176-177として出版
   Estimating Losses From Future Earthquakes, National Research Council, 1989, p. 74, published as FEMA 176-177
18.ヘンリー・ラゴリオ、リチャード・アイスナー、ケント・パクストン、ロバート・レザーマン、「被害想定目標」、米国建築学会、1994年、p. 11
   Henry Lagorio, Richard Eisner, Kent Paxton, and Robert Reitherman, Loss Estimation Objectives, National Institute of Building Sciences, 1994, p. 11


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